The Justice Paladinism Syndrome


Among the modern forms of opium masses consume, the strongest and most cherished ones are those that fuel the deeply human need of having a sense of significance and meaning in life. Vast swathes of people, young and old, thus rise, emotionally charged, vibrantly determined, and in their mind, courageously motivated, as paladins of justice against all the ills and evils of the modern western world.


Sadly, the reality is most of these paladins of justice are merely manufactured pawns of a greater power that benefits from their outrage and visceral contempt, employing them as tools to advance its standing in the unending battle between the great geopolitical forces of humankind.


Yes, it is clear that leftists have a problem with what they describe as "the existence of systems that privilege certain groups while disadvantaging others". This sentiment, however, is not exclusive to them. All decent people know there is injustice, pain and suffering in the world, and all try to work against it in the best way they see fit.


However, many leftists, especially in social media environments (facebook, twitter, reddit, etc.) merely drive their thinking by a very superficial understanding of the world, as it is blatantly easy to stand on a pedestal of self-perceived righteousness by advocating from an apparently clear-cut perspective for justice and equality.


As it is, this superficial understanding can only be fueled by hate and contempt against those that - in such a naive view and limited understanding - "hold all privileges" and are in less suffering than others, and actually ignoring all the hard facts in the background of it all.
For politicians and many power hungry, corrupt and utterly trash humans with political power, it is joyously easy to manipulate the people I just described, feeding their "holy" rage, and feeding them lies about inequality and injustice, presenting them and making them advocate for an utopic mirage of "how things should be", and thus getting from them the political support they want.
Inequality and suffering has always existed in all human societies beyond mere simple tribalism. There is inequality and suffering in all the animal kingdom, and actually, in the plant kingdom as well, and even among procariotes. This is the rule of life. Because individuals are born with different proclivities, genetic constitutions, etc., the outcome is different life conditions.
Human societies have advanced an enormous length in the way of better living conditions for all, but in spite of that, one must face the hard fact that inequality and suffering may never be erradicated from existence. This is a hard fact to understand, and certainly, people who put no effort in going beyond the superficial emotional layer of thinking (which is the easiest one to apply as it requires almost no effort), cannot and will not understand it.
To understand this fact doesn't mean we should stop working to better living conditions for as many people as is possible. But we must do it maturely, and without resorting to utopias. Why?
There are terrible, nightmarish examples in history of the failed systems naive humans have implemented in order to bring about the utopias they imagined possible in their ingenuous, emotional thinking.
So yes, there is suffering. Yes, there is injustice. Yes, there is inequality. Those are the hard truths of existence. There is a reason this is not the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the human realm.



The problem with justice-paladinism going rampant on the masses arises when such a phenomenon is blindly seen by its advocates as a pure, inner-born goal with no manipulation bias whatsoever, when in fact, there are, for those intent on looking and understanding the greater picture, many elements which point out how this is a mass phenomenon not grounded on some sort of social trascendent enlightenment or awakening, but a mere mass reaction to narratives fed to them successfully taking advantage of the massive lack of critical thinking skills and profound knowledge on the workings of things in the world.



See? Your argument for justifying the emotional backpack is, at the very least, highly lacking but, alas, represents what currently is being used as the progressivist ideological banner. What you mention is some kind of guilt for having enjoyed something which was freely granted to you. In fact, current generations enjoy the results obtained throughout an enormous amount of hardships endured by past generations. What's the guilt to be accounted for because of that?


The reality is, current generations are increasingly culturally devoid of circumstances to grant them with significant, hard-to-reach, greater-than-oneself goals in life (precisely because we're living in the epitome of past achievements), and people naturally crave for meaning in their lives. Add to that the blatant ignorance and erosion of traditional values currently rampant, and you get what you see around you: masses blindly believing some narrative that somehow the suffering in the world is our's, others', the elite's, the rich's, ... n's fault, but what matters, is that they, the enlightened, can put an end to world injustice, and must support what those narratives dictate them to do, and in so doing, they will have trascended the condition of guilt and transitioned into a worthy and righteous life.

In fact, one could argue that the great majority of people don't truly give a damn about the ones in suffering: all they really want is to aggrandize themselves throughout paladinism because they lack other compelling meaning in their lives.


The proof of this is overwhelmingly out there, as in the video links I have shared here, but it seems all you can see in them is some common and innocent example of nothing more than douchbaggery.


The reason why people are spoiled doesn't matter. What matters is that spoilage is necessarily accompanied by ignorance, and as Thomas Jefferson wisely said: "A nation that expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, expects what never was and never will be.".




About Bernardo Marino

Biólogo, M.C. en Hidrociencias. Especialista en Medio Ambiente, Agua y Sostenibilidad. / Biologist, M.Sc. in Hydroscience. Environmental, water science and sustainability specialist.