2022 – 2023 (english)


The year 2022 is at its end, but the nightmare of destruction which, glimpsed years ago, openly and plainly revealed its abject face at the end of 2019 with shamelessness and mockery, does not end.

Three years we have endured witnessing the sickening and deleterious acceleration of the wave of structural degradation, incorporating in its wake more and more naïve and cowardly humans, using them as irrational enablers of evil's progressively and cowardly imposition of our collective condemnation.


Evil. A formless, fluid entity, mute, unerasable, primal, ubiquitous in an expectant, infiltrating and oppressive presence. The cursed stain that we must deal with in this world and existential condition. Naïve are those who regard it under simplistic and philosophical conceptual figurations, a mistake derived from the fatal condition of failing to understand the cornerstone of our human essence and condition.


Disguised in shape, evil dwells in all humans, having established itself in us since ancient times as an incipient seed, intrinsically intertwined with our ethological edifice, patiently, tirelessly abiding its time throughout millennia, and now finally ready to manifest itself in full force, safeguarded by the postmodernist, blatantly naïve illusion which would regard virtue and goodness as intrinsic qualities within human beings.


Evidence of the exact opposite has been screaming into our deaf ears throughout these three years. The ease with which the cancerous tumors of evil have blossomed unabated: the raging envy, the resentful desire to crush dissent, the irrational, monstrous hunger for rageful destruction, the obscene enjoyment in monstrous barbaric collectivism, the cowardly satisfaction in the uniformization of the mediocre and decadent whole so as not to suffer the blinding sight of individual virtue.


If there is anything to celebrate, it is only the endurance of hope, safeguarded by the sustained will of groups still championing virtue, perseverance, and strong beliefs. Other than that, there is nothing more to celebrate, and to pretend otherwise is to play the game that evil delights in making us play.


This was the third year of deliberate, increasingly exposed and uncovered destruction. There will be no truce in its advancement, and each day, month and year that passes from now on and that we fail to actively, vigorously resist it, there will be an increasingly widening of society's distancing from everything that past generations built with extreme effort and suffering through the long past centuries in history.


This is not a game, or a mere phylosophical rambling. Hell is materially real, not otherwordly but plainly of this world, achievable through human action here, now, for the suffering of all. Episodes of its deployment have already occurred in repeated moments of history, but make no mistake, even the most terrible known ones will be as nothing compared to the hell that at this very moment, at this exact time continues to brew allowed by our own ignorant or cowardly complacency.


Opposing our strength, determination and ironclad will against this abject entity of destruction is the most exalted human act that can exist. Understanding what it takes to muster the strength and valour for such an act is an enormous and difficult task, but necessary, crucial, indispensable, and ultimately, unavoidable as free human beings if we strive to remain free.

About Bernardo Marino

Biólogo, M.C. en Hidrociencias. Especialista en Medio Ambiente, Agua y Sostenibilidad. / Biologist, M.Sc. in Hydroscience. Environmental, water science and sustainability specialist.